Last weekend the food and agriculture TV program, Washington Grown, was recognized for its quality storytelling and production viewing quality by winning the Emmy for Best “Informational Program in a Long Format”. This is the third Emmy Award for Washington Grown! Our Washington Grown TV and communication program is the product of discussions our potato growers had at an industry wide Potato Summit the Commission hosted over 12 years ago. The potato industry was concerned that we were going to be regulated out of business if we didn’t do a better job of telling the food and farming story to the public. Awards have never been the goal for our Washington Grown program but it’s reassuring to us that the work we are doing is of very high quality. Season 10 is currently airing on TV, and we are currently shooting video for season 11, which will begin airing in January of 2024. Season 11 will be focused on telling the story about the importance of exports for Washington ag products, providing food for countries that can’t produce enough for themselves.