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CB Tech Potato DaysIMG 1478Columbia Basin Technical Skills Center was happy to have the 5th graders back in the building this year at their Annual Potato Days, which has been on a 3-year hiatus since COVID. The teachers and students at CB Tech hosted over 1000 5th graders from all the Moses Lake Elementary schools over 2 days and gave them a tour of the classes offered to students with a curriculum based around our humble spud, each group led by CB Tech students in potato costumes. The welding and engineering programs created a new potato launcher this year, in addition to making some adjustments to the two existing launchers, one that cuts a potato into French fries in the air, a fan favorite for sure. The Computer programming class created potato games with our Potato Pal characters and other fun games making potatoes the star. The cosmetology class makes a potato sugar scrub with the potato starch and the students get to choose their scent and mix it up and use the scrub to wash their hands to prepare them for the Culinary student’s program, which was joined by the Simplot Fry Trailer this year. 5th graders grabbed fries from the trailer outside and headed into the kitchen where they were created by the culinary students and an array of dipping sauces that they created to go with IMG 1452the fries and then vote on their favorite. This program allows the students from CB Tech to use the skills that they have learned in each field they are studying, and how to be role models and interact with younger students. The 5th graders get an opportunity to see what CB Tech has to offer and career opportunities that are out there for them. And together they get to learn about our amazing Washington Potato Industry.

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Wednesday, 01 November 2023