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on Monday, 02 November 2020. Posted in Blog & News

Due to the restrictions on gatherings to limit the spread of the Corona Virus, we will not be able to have our normal show at the Three Rivers Convention Center in Kennewick.  We will be going to a 100% virtual show this year January 26-28, 2021 with some new and exciting things!

By going virtual, we will still be able to have all the normal general session, cultivar performance session, Spanish session, PAC auction, etc.   There will be opportunities for companies to have virtual trade show booths to showcase their products and services.  Continuing education credits will be available for those who participate in the general session.

Registration is still $5 per person.  You can register NOW to make insure you receive your Conference Swag Bag! REGISTER HERE

If you would like to Exhibit, please feel free to reach out to" data-type="email"> for more details.

We have found a virtual platform that will still allow attendees to visit the Exhibitors and have live face to face chats.  Over the years our many sponsors and trade show participants have supported us very well and have said they will continue to do so during our virtual Conference. We are excited for you all to see what the 2021 WA OR Virtual Potato Conference has to offer.  For continuing updates please go to

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Washington State Potato Commission

The mission of the WSPC is to support an economically and environmentally sustainable Washington State potato industry by providing strong leadership and innovation, and building partnerships to meet the demands of global consumers.

Contact Us

Office Hours:
Monday – Friday 8am to 5pm

108 S Interlake Road
Moses Lake, WA 98837

Phone: (509) 765-8845
Fax: (509) 765-4853