
Termination of Marketing Order 946

Termination of Marketing Order 946
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Over a year ago at the State of Washington Potato Committee summer meeting, the Board passed a motion recommending the Secretary of Agriculture formally terminate the Marketing Order beginning June 30, 2021.

The State of Washington Potato Committee was established in 1949 by a vote of potato growers. The Order permitted elected growers and handlers the ability to recommend to the Secretary of Agriculture minimum grade, size, and maturity standards for fresh potatoes grown in Washington State before they are shipped to market. This helped stabilize marketing conditions for potato growers. As trends in marketing and sales changed, the Order was no longer needed, and termination was recently approved by the Board.

In preparation for termination, the Committee amended the 2020/21 budget reflecting the intent to no longer collect assessments and to utilize the balance of remaining funds performing compliance work assuring the remaining collection of assessments and committee duties are held in accordance with the Marketing Order. After compliance, activities have been completed and all resources nearly exhausted the balance of funds will be given to the Washington State Potato Commission for administrative purposes.

Thank you to all Committee members, (growers and handlers) for your service guiding the Committee in roughly 71 years of operation. 



Thursday, 01 July 2021