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on Monday, 27 July 2020. Posted in Blog & News

The latest recommendations from the Washington State Dept. of Health include the most current safety plan and interpretative guidance regarding worker safety. They have outlined a comprehensive path to follow to manage and report any COVID-19 infected worker. Under DOH authority, the ag workforce is critical thereby employees can continue to work, even if exposed. Find the DOH’s Guide for Farm and Ag Workers in Washington State here.

Other resources include safety and interpretive guidance, an L&I directive, and additional detailed information on the state’s website.  All employers should work with their local health jurisdictions to report and manage any outbreak that may occur.

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Washington State Potato Commission

The mission of the WSPC is to support an economically and environmentally sustainable Washington State potato industry by providing strong leadership and innovation, and building partnerships to meet the demands of global consumers.

Contact Us

Office Hours:
Monday – Friday 8am to 5pm

108 S Interlake Road
Moses Lake, WA 98837

Phone: (509) 765-8845
Fax: (509) 765-4853