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on Friday, 30 April 2021. Posted in Blog & News

Men’s Health magazine published an 8-page feature spread on the nutritional value – and delicious taste – of potatoes in its recent May issue. The article, available online in May, addresses long-standing myths and misinformation that potatoes are anything but a nutrient-dense vegetable and good carb. The authors state, “One medium-sized baked potato delivers six grams of protein and four grams of fiber, as well as high amounts of bone-assisting calcium, heart-helping potassium, and immunity-supporting vitamin C.” Potatoes USA partner, Dr. Kathie Beals, contributes to the article by sharing which potatoes work best for different recipes and noting that all potato types are nutritionally similar. The article also offers several recipes and ideas for nourishing baked potato toppings.

Potatoes also continue to shine across other leading consumer media as a nutrient-dense vegetable and a source of key nutrients. Here’s a few other recent media highlights:

In a Real Simple article, Potatoes USA partner, Cara Harbstreet RD, highlights the nutritional value of potatoes. Harbstreet dives right into how potatoes are a great choice, from a nutrients per dollar stance, because they include eight important nutrients.

Purewow rounds up 20 plant-based protein sources – including potatoes. The article says, “all potatoes are secret protein powerhouses,” but gives red potatoes extra love noting them as an especially good source of iron, potassium, and fiber.

Insider calls out 11 foods higher in potassium than a banana – with potatoes topping the list. The article suggests eating home fries or hash browns if you’re craving a savory breakfast, which will also increase your potassium intake. Registered dietitian Amanda Nicole, who contributed to the article, adds, “potatoes are full of fiber and resistant starch, which can keep your blood sugar levels stable and prevent any blood sugar spikes or crashes that can leave you feeling tired and fatigued later.”

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Washington State Potato Commission

The mission of the WSPC is to support an economically and environmentally sustainable Washington State potato industry by providing strong leadership and innovation, and building partnerships to meet the demands of global consumers.

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Monday – Friday 8am to 5pm

108 S Interlake Road
Moses Lake, WA 98837

Phone: (509) 765-8845
Fax: (509) 765-4853