After a 2 year hiatus, the National Restaurant Association (NRA) Trade Show was back in full swing in Chicago May 21-24, 2022. Serving up our delicious Washington fries and handing out our famous ceramic blade potato peelers and recipes, we are always a crowd favorite. Not knowing what numbers were going to look like this year, we made the decision to send the same amount of fries that we do every year, thinking that if there were any left at the end of the show, we could donate them to the local food banks. With so many restaurants that shut down during the pandemic we were worried that attendance would be down, but the numbers were at 95% of a pre-pandemic show. Serving up 1,020 pounds of fries (just shy of 4000 sample servings), we saw folks from all over the world. Many wanted to know about getting our frozen product into their country. We spoke with multiple people who have just opened new restaurants that are very interested in trying some new products and experimenting with their menus.