Thursday, Nov 17th, 2022, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm PST
ATEC- Big Bend Community College
7662 Chanute St NE, Moses Lake, WA 98837, USA
Join us for the League’s Conference and 58th Annual Meeting! If you live, work, or play in Washington, the Columbia Basin Project impacts you. This year’s conference will focus on the Columbia Basin Project as a Solution: Water, Climate, Food Security.
Topics to include:
Economic Contributions of the Project
Updates from the Irrigation Districts
Review of CBP Ground Water Irrigation
Update on the Odessa Ground Water Replacement Program
Funding Sources for OGWRP and the CBP
Implications of Climate Projections on the Project
Additionally, during the annual meeting, we will announce outcomes of board elections and recognize individuals who have significantly contributed to advancement of policies favorable to the Columbia Basin Project. Keynote presentations will also address current and relevant issues for stakeholders with comments from Jennifer Carrington, Columbia-Pacific Northwest Regional Director, US Bureau of Reclamation; and Mike Wade, Executive Director, California Farm Water Coalition.
CONFERENCE REGISTRATION: If you have not yet registered for the Conference & Annual Meeting, please do so ASAP. The Early Bird Deadline is November 1st.