2020 WSNA Recipe Contest..Starts Now!
Enter your favorite Washington potato recipe for a chance to win an all expense paid trip to the 2020 Washington School Nutrition Association Conference, a $100 Visa Gift Card, and bragging rights for a year!
Recipe Guidelines:
Recipes MUST feature a potato item (fresh, frozen, dehy).
Recipes must be written in 12-portion yield format and meet current USDA requirements. Be sure to include a portion/serving size, cooking temperature, and all ingredients in weights/measurements.
Tell us a little about yourself and why you choose to enter the recipe. Also, let us know what you did to promote the recipe, and how the students liked it.
Include a photo of the finished recipe, your name, address and email!
All entries must be submitted to the WSPC by April 30, 2020
Mail to: WSPC 108 S. Interlake Road Moses Lake, WA 98837
Or email to: Tressa Radach tradach@potatoes.com