Make the Washington State Potato your first and last choice for:

Fresh processed potatoes from Washington State refer to potatoes that have been minimally processed while still maintaining their fresh quality. This includes products like peeled, diced, sliced, or shredded potatoes that are ready to use and not frozen. These products offer convenience for consumers and food service providers, reducing preparation time while delivering fresh taste and nutritional value.

Reser’s Fine Foods

Reser’s Fine Foods


  • Street:
    15570 SW Jenkins Road
  • City:
  • State:
  • Zip Code:


  • Phone:
    (800) 333-6431 or (503) 643-6431
  • 2.0/5 rating (4 votes)

On the map

Fill in your address into the address field below the map and the shortest route will be calculated.

Potato Category

Fresh Processed

Processing Facilities

WA - Pasco

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Washington State Potato Commission

The mission of the WSPC is to support an economically and environmentally sustainable Washington State potato industry by providing strong leadership and innovation, and building partnerships to meet the demands of global consumers.

Contact Us

Office Hours:
Monday – Friday 8am to 5pm

108 S Interlake Road
Moses Lake, WA 98837

Phone: (509) 765-8845
Fax: (509) 765-4853